Lately, I’ve been spending at least 30 minutes every day curating a page on quilting, sewing, and textile arts. It’s called “She Who Dies With The Most Fabric Wins.”
Curating this page gives me the opportunity to see all kinds of quilts that people from all over the world are creating. You see, this site essentially crawls the internet (sometimes it is called “scraping”) and collects all of the blogs, news, videos, and more about my topic. Two or three times I day, I look to see what is new on the internet that I can scoop up and feature on my curated page.
People are doing interesting things. And they love to tell stories about their days or weeks, along with their quilts. It’s really nice to hear about every day people from all oer the world, what is important to them, what they are struggling with, and how they are making things work in their lives. We are all more alike than different. We all have similar dreams and aspirations. We want our children to be healthy, safe, and happy. We want our spouses to be happy and well taken care of. We want to be happy and well taken care of. And, at the end of the day, no one has enough time to work on their quilting projects.